Thursday, May 20, 2010

Carrying Out My Personal GAME Plan

To review, my two goals that I chose are:

1. Model Digital-Age Work and Learning

2. Promote and Modeling Digital Citizenship Responsibly

The resources that I will need in order to assist me carry out these goals are going to be information and data that shows just how crucial the ability to use technology as second nature is going to be for my students. I need to make sure they realize that their Basic Computer Skills is suppose to help them become more secure with computers and how they operate. The tools that I will need in order to "Model Digital-Age Work and Learning" are going to be access to the internet and a data projector which I already have in my classroom. I am in the process of taking a class that will allow me the option to have an interactive white board placed in my room. These white boards give teachers many more options to have the kids becoming interactive with the material than simple data projectors can. I am also able to use Clickers that allow for immediate responses from the students to check for understanding. These are not forms of technology that I wish to have...I currently can possess all of these different technologies and implement by the beginning of next year!

Promoting and modeling digital citizenship is important for teachers who deal with teenagers on a daily basis like myself. I just read a report done by the Pew Research Center on teenagers and cell phones ( that states nearly 3/4 teens own a cell phone. It is out responsibility as their educators to make sure they realize how important it is to use these devices in a safe manor. Texting and talking while driving is so dangerous that many states have passed laws to make it illegal to do so. Also, sending out illegal material through cell phones and computers is a recurring part of our everyday lives. To make available information on incidents that are happening around the nation of teenagers much like the ones I have in my classroom, I can make these illegal acts seem more real to them. I guess what I would need from my fellow colleagues in this program would be of information on what they are doing technology-wise in their classrooms and how they implement it with their students. Also, I would like to know if their schools teach digital citizenship to their students? If so, does it work and how do they go about portraying that information to their students?


  1. Aaron-
    I am getting a Smart Board next year as well!! I haven't taken my class for it yet but I will be this summer. Does your school have a set of clickers?? We are trying to have our PTSA purchase some of them this summer as well. I think they would be an excellent way to assess students using technology.

  2. Hi Aaron...I am getting a Smart Board installed in my classroom next week...and I can't wait! It will be so cool to pull stuff up on the internet of a book we are reading and interact as a whole group! Have fun. Shayne

  3. We already have Smart Boards and they are really cool. Do you have access to all of the Smart Notebook and other Smart programs that comes with the board. We are still learning to use all of the possibilities that comes with those things.

  4. Aaron~
    I have had my Smart Board for about 4 years now. I don't know what I would do with out it! It is a great way to interact with the kids and keeps the monotony of reviewing and regular classwork down. The first year or two were trial and error since I didn't have that a lot of inservice on it. It only gets better.
    The first time you blow a bulb or the internet goes down you will want to scream! Good luck and have a blast!

  5. Meghan-
    Clickers are purchased by teachers or groups of teachers who have the necessary funds to do so. I along with two other teachers purchased the text in clickers for about $3000 earlier this year. It may have been more or less, I cannot specifically remember.


    The whiteboards make interacting so much more accessible with your students. I too am hoping to have a whiteboard installed this summer.


    Four years!?!? wow. you are so lucky. Your school must appreciate and see the need for technology in the classroom, not just buying computers and putting them in a lab.

  6. Aaron-

    I wish my district would get on board and get us white boards. Instead they got most of us tablet and projectors in the room that half the time do not even work. It is more frustrating to have the technology and not be able to use it then to not have it at all. There are days that I actually wished I did not have it at all because it would cut my planning down to half.

    Have you found any data to support your GAME plan? If so could you share I would like to see what the statistics say.
