One of my main goals as a high school teacher is to educate my students on how to be most responsible when it comes to using computers, cell phones and the internet in a productive and responsible manner. Throughout the school year, even before taking this specific course, I felt it was my responsibility to inform my students of issues happening around the nation when it came to cyber-bullying, indecent exposure incidents with teenagers and the consequences that they can face if they decide to get involved in this stuff. When we had to create a GAME plan that allows us to look at technology and how we can show our students to use in a positive way, all of these areas that I have been working so hard to educate my students in became reinforced.
Now that this school year is over, I will work over the summer to find ways for next year on how I can best model and implement digital citizenship onto my students. I think if I can first get them to realized that the internet is not just for social networking and YouTube that will be a good place to start. Then, I will work at having them see the consequences of stealing music, movies and television shows through the internet and that real people can get into real trouble with the law. I am also going to work a lot harder at using technology and all of these amazing teaching tools that we have learned throughout this program into my curriculum. I feel as though the students deserve to have a teacher who cares about their future and understands that technology and knowing how to use it will benefit them as they grow up.
Hey Aaron...I bet lots of kids know about shoplifting but would never call it that on the internet thinking they will never get caught. Life lessons are everywhere. Shayne
ReplyDeleteLife lessons are everywhere and sometimes people have to learn things the hard way. This year we had a student who created a facebook page of one of her teachers. She posted pictures and responses on this page that were not only hurtful to the teacher but just downright rude. Many other students also got involved and posted responses on this page and in the end almost all of the students were in tears when they got caught, but a week later it was forgotten and they went back to their old behaviors. Although we discuss cyber-bullying and how what you do online stays online students still feel they are above the law and rules until they get in trouble and realize that we were not joking. It is sad to me that students have to take it to this level in order to realize we are trying to help them but sometimes that is what is needed. I still think it is important to talk to the students and your GAME plan is a good idea because even if you can reach just one student it is well worth it. I just wish children would understand we are only trying to help them not control them. Not sure if that day will ever come.
ReplyDeleteI think that it is really important for students to be aware of the danger of the internet and social networking sites. I think it is our job to inform students that not everything about them should be posted on the web and to be really careful of the photos that they post and what photos they send to other people. You just never know where that photo may ended up one day. How many famous people and or normal teens have had a photo "leaked out" causing them serious consequences and or personal shame.
Hey you all...thanks for another great course here at Walden, I appreciate all of your thoughtful responses and I just want to say it has been a pleasure working with your all...
ReplyDeletewith that being said...kids today have no privacy anymore. Every bit of their information is out on their MySpace or Facebook book and they think it is OK to make other peoples like that teacher you mentioned Sandra information out to the public; and they do not think it is a big deal. This is a major issue and I only see it getting worse as technology and the ease in which we communicate with each other get easier and more available to everyone.