Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Monitoring My GAME Plan Progress

I believe that I have all of the tools necessary to implement my GAME plan into my classroom. I have nearly all of the technology tools that I want to instruct with. I have a classroom set of text-capable Clickers. I have the easy-to-use software where I can have the students demonstrate their knowledge of the content through many different forms. The only thing I am missing that I would love to have in my classroom would be a Smartboard. As of right now, I believe that I may be receiving one over the summer which would allow me the ability to put it to good use when school starts back up in the fall.

I have learned quite a few things over the course of this program and one of the main things is that technology should not be used as a novelty in the classroom. It should have a clear and precise purpose. Dr. John Ross mentions this and I truly believe that just because a school is equipped with the most up to date forms of technology does not mean that the teachers are using it correctly. I believe that I use technology in the correct way. I want to model to my students that technology is not only used for stealing music and movies or talking to your friends online. It can be a place of limit-less opportunities. For those students who do not have access to computers or the internet, I want to open their eyes to opportunities that can present themselves with the use of technology.

The questions I would ask to my fellow colleagues would be: How is your GAME plan coming along? Have you found it difficult to start implementing it into your daily lessons and classroom activities? Is it easier to reach your goals if you teach primary or secondary level students?

I typed in "technology" into the Google bar and then clicked "Images" and this was the first picture to show up. Thought I would share that with you all


  1. Aaron-

    It's great that you have all the resources you need! I am looking for a smartboard right now and they are expensive! Our district does not have the funding to provide any new technology to the teachers, in fact, they are cutting back hours for our IT department! Do you find that you have the software you need to work with your students? Is it easy for you to download new programs to school computers or do you have to go through a lengthy process?

    I like how you are trying to model to your students how technology can be used for specific purposes.

  2. Aaron-
    I am so jealous that you have all of this at your finger tips. I would really love a set of clickers for my classroom. Finding the time to research for my GAME Plan is challenging and I envy that you are so far along. Congrats!!

  3. Hi Aaron, I have a Smartboard in my are really going to enjoy using it. My kids love it too...everything becomes to much more interactive. I have the students use it a lot for project assessments.

    Congrats on your new little addition too! Your life will never be he same!!!!

  4. Aaron-

    I wish my district would get on board and get us white boards. Instead they got most of us tablet and projectors in the room that half the time do not even work. It is more frustrating to have the technology and not be able to use it then to not have it at all. There are days that I actually wished I did not have it at all because it would cut my planning down to half.
    Have you found any data to support your GAME plan? If so could you share I would like to see what the statistics say.

    How old is your little one?

  5. Aaron~
    The Smart Board is great! I couldn't live without it. I use it everyday and the kids love to use it as well. They teach me as much as I teach them!
    I am glad that all of your GAME Plan is going well. Mine is still a work in progress but hope to have it on track soon.
    P.S. Hope the baby is doing well!

  6. Erin- With our Clickers, we use Activsoftware that is simple to use for any teachers. I have witnessed myself, 30 year veteran teachers create a lesson on this software that is solely designed for a Clickers lesson.

    Meghan- I do not know that I am as you say, "so far along", but it does help when my school district understands that giving the teachers the necessary technology to teach to their students is an important part of learning in the 21st Century.

    Shayne- Thanks for the encouragement on the new baby boy. He is 8 weeks old already and sitting in my lap drooling on me as I type this message to you. About the Smartboard, I am going to a workshop this summer to be better prepared to use it next school year.
